
A welcome message to all my friends and visitors to my blog! Hope you will browse around awhile to listen to my thoughts. Thank you for visiting, hope you'll come back and check in with me every once in a while.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Illustration Friday - SUIT

When I created this piece I was thinking of all the politics and backstabbing that goes on in the corporate world. So many people want to make it to the top and don't care who they step on to get there. Well, at least we can all say goodbye to the rat race for another week... happy Friday everyone, enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Illustration Friday - Total

Total Depression.
This image popped into my head as soon as I saw this weeks topic. Its probably because I was watching recently a program on TV that was featuring depression and what causes it and treatments available. Although it tends to be on the dark side, I hope you like it.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Illustration Friday - Hide

This illustration is from a book that I wrote and illustrated... it hasn't been published yet, but I thought that is suited the topic this week. Thanks for stopping by :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Illustration Friday-Gravity

The snakes aren't the only ones that are in a deep trance. The snake charmer floats in the air as if gravity does not affect him.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Illustration Friday- Crash

I created this piece while in college where I shared a townhouse with three other people and I thought it suited the topic this week. I'm sure anyone who has lived with other people can relate to this one!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Super Hero

This week's theme on IF was on Super Heroes. Well, after thinking a lot about which direction I wanted to take this subject, whether it be a serious note using a realistic painting of firemen, police and doctors (real life heroes), or a funny take using the superhero "Chickenman".

I'm not sure if anyone else has heard in the past (going WAY back) the little stories that would come on the radio involving the super hero Chickenman? I always looked forward to the funny stories and the theme music "He's everywhere, he's everywhere". Hee hee .. it still brings a smile to my face and thought my illustration would bring smiles to other people's faces. We all need a good laugh sometimes!